Wednesday 11 July 2012

Triskelle Pictures - the work of Sophie Black: Sophie On: Her Brief Stint With Acting

Triskelle Pictures - the work of Sophie Black: Sophie On: Her Brief Stint With Acting:

 You could say that I was a bit of a theatre baby. I come from a musical family (my uncle is a proffessional organist and some of my earliest memories are of me sitting being bored whilst my parents rehearsed with their Christian band), and I did ballet and tap aged six, then again with ballet and Modern when I was in my teens, although I was never very good at it.

Amongst all this, I was very much into acting, perhaps because I was such an extrovert child. I was part of my school's version of a Glee club (before it was cool!) and performed in all the shows it put on outside of regular drama classes. I have a variety of embarassing photos to prove it, and my memories from that time are what inspired me to make The Opening Night ...

Sunday 1 July 2012

Triskelle Pictures - the work of Sophie Black: Sophie On: Her BBC Debut

Triskelle Pictures - the work of Sophie Black: Sophie On: Her BBC Debut:

As all the lovely Stop/Eject fans know, we were featured on the news before, when Neil went on Midlands Today to raise more pre-production funds. It was a wonderful piece but the whole thing was a bit of a waiting game, particularly when it came to the broadcast itself. This time round, they couldn't see us quick enough, and both myself and Neil were in Hereford when they rang - 100 miles away from the studio we needed to get to!